Thursday 23 August 2012

Reaching your goals by keeping your parents at the bottom of your heart

I won't lie but i am not the best son in this world but i try to be one. I have the best parents in the world. What i have always given them is only pain and nothing else. Sometimes, it made me think what can i do to pay all these debts. Unfortunately, i can't . Not even in 1,000 years.

I won't lie i was a bad guy at college level . I was a king in bunking Tuition classes and today i am a teacher and i don't wish my students to repeat the same mistake i did . Life has changed and i have been changed into a role model for my family. I am simple guy with a simple scholarship winner. I tried to be the best son i can for my parents. I even accompany my dad to his Textile Industry  every Sunday for gardening purposes. Yeah, gardening not because i wish to show that i am a great worker. Its just because my dad works as a part-time  gardener with the money  earned he actually  pays M.Y.T(internet) fees. I believe that the internet fee is not really  part of his responsibility but mine. In that case, i take full responsibility of the garden every Sunday by sparing some time out of tuition time and study time.

Parents are the best thing that exist in this world. When you are sad, so they are. They forgive you for the mistakes you do. They cheer for you when they need to. They work hard to bring a piece of bread everyday so that you can sit and have your breakfast.

But, we fail to admire their effort. The question is how many % of the  time, do we think about their efforts. 70% of the time we care for us and maybe 30% of the time for them. Do you  know that your parents care for you 70% of their time and 30% for them.

Your parents will be old one day and they rely on you to care for them . Goals are the only way to alleviate this problem. You have to study and get a good job. Lord Krishna said it beautifully  always works without fruits.

So, do your best and care for them 70% of the time and for you only 30%.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Story of a Super Student- Chapter 1: From a failure victim to a warrior , getting motivated

A child is special in its own way . Thomas Edison was not a genius but he tried hard to be a genius. Life is bounded by failures . It is going to hit hard as it is life. Krishna woke up 5.00 a.m in the morning . 7 days were left for university to resume. He was bounded with resits and somehow he was still not fully motivated to tackle the hits that life has brought forward.

As the sunlight strikes his face, he asked himself " is failure more important or having a courage to face". He closed his eyes and went back to the past where his parents were congratulating him for his CPE results.

He then realized that life has great moments but you have nothing to get from them. You simply have to experience them. A failure is a great lesson to learn from. He put it this way everything that goes around for now is meant to be experienced. A failure gives a new meaning to life.

He tried to discuss things with his best friend, Surya. Surya was a simple guy but more than that he was like a sweet brother to him. When Krishna opened his heart via messages through Facebook, Surya eyes were filled with tears. He thought for some moments how to tackle things around.

Krishna : Brother, i have to give you some news.
Surya: Go ahead...
Krishna: I have failed, i failed to make it through.

For this moment, Surya felt something hard to grasp .

Krishna: I am disturbed, talk to you later.

Surya: Listen to me carefully. Bill Gates wanted to be a mathematician. He joined a Course but he was unable to cope with it. He left it to join the programming field.

Krishna : Still, am not Bill Gates.

Surya:  Stop being a victim, be the architect of your future. You can.

Surya: Just put it this way, God has tested you and have passed in it being a failure.

Krishna: Am still not motivated and am broken.

Surya: You are a warrior Krishna, you are.

Surya: You are a warrior, a courageous one. You took the courageous to tell me. This makes you a great warrior. Your past is gone. your present is here . Be the story writer of your life and not destroyer.
Believes in yourself. See around you, people got more problems. More complicated problems, much more complicated problems. Some people has no feet but they are still cheering with life.

Surya: There was a broker , a famous one who went to interview without good clothes but still make it through. He opened his heart just like you to people working there. I want you to cheer with it.

Surya: Our ancestors are both from India, we are connected in some way. Aren't we?

Krishna: Yeah...:(

Surya: You know lord Krishna said it truly: give doing those tasks without expecting the fruits. Let me put it this way, would you prefer god to pick you as a failure or some persons.

Krishna: I would prefer god to pick me .

Surya: So, why are you worrying for a set of failures. You will judged by the mightiest lord, you do not have to be the best in other eyes. You have to be the best for him. So, that your life is not wasted.

Monday 23 July 2012

Linux for dummies- Introduction


You might encounter a lot of gibberish further on in the guide, words you‟ve probably never 
heard of in your life. To lend you a helping hand, we‟ve spelled out some of the most 
prominent ones, and their meanings. 

Kernel  - the core functionality of an operating system, it translates commands from other 
software directly to the hardware interfaces. 

Distributions - operating systems based on the Linux kernel. 

CLI/Terminal - stands for Command Line Interface, a method of interaction with the computer 
based on text commands entered at the prompt. 

GUI - stands for Graphical User Interface, a method of interaction with the computer that 
makes use of visual representations of elements: files, folders and actions. It is the standard 
environment for modern consumer oriented operating systems. 

Introduction to Linux, FLOSS and the GPL license

 Many people believe that learning Linux is hard, that only system administrators can use it 
and dismiss the idea from the very beginning. Others would continue in their search only to 
find bits of information scattered all around the internet – without the cohesion necessary for 
that knowledge to become useful; sometimes the information is written for experienced 
users, leavingthose who don‟t know what CLI is, in the dark. This guide‟s goal is to bringthe 
essentials of Linux together, helping less savvy Windows users migrate easily. 

If you‟re new to Linux you might make a common mistake and assume that it is an operating 
system. Well, that‟s not true. Instead, when you say Linux, you refer to any of the operating 
systems that are based on the Linux kernel, like Fedora, Ubuntu or openSuSE. 
The kernel, some say the most important aspect about an operating system, is the mediator 
between the hardware and the other software applications that may run on it, the lowest 
abstraction layer. 

What‟s different about the Linux kernel? Like most of the applications that run on top of it, it is 
actively maintained by the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community, which is also 
known as FLOSS. FLOSS software comes completely free of charge and everyone is 
entitled to look at the source code and modify it as he pleases. 

This means that skilled  developers from around the world contribute their work either for free, or via sponsorships  from companies like Canonical or IBM. But you can improve the software as well.

Microsoft‟s Windows source code is not availableto anyone but Microsoft employees, and it 
constitutes a felony to decompile or reverse engineer it. You can‟t build your own Windows 
kernel, fix bugs, or distribute an improved version of Windows that you created. 

“The word "free" in our name does not refer to price; it refers to freedom. First, the freedom to 
copy a program and redistribute it to your neighbors, so that they can use it as well as you. Second, 
the freedom to change a program, so that you can control it instead of it controlling you; for this, 
the source code must be made available to you.” –Free Software Definition by Richard Stallman

There are many reasons why Linux is better, and discussing them is beyond the scope of 
this guide. Nonetheless it‟s good to know that Linux is inherently secure, portable and 
doesn‟t need to reboot as often as Windows.

Choosing the Distribution 

Most Linux distributions come with a so-called „base system‟ that comprises most of the 
applications the typical computer user would need. These distributions are usually popular
and are updated constantly with new drivers and applications. Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE , by far
the most popular Linux systems, are generally considered to be easy to use for a newbie,
although they still have the power tools that advanced users are accustomed to. 

Another important aspect about switching to Linux is hardware compatibility. While most
hardware is supported by default in most Linux distributions, less popular or quirky hardware
might not work. For example, my ENE integrated card reader won‟t work with Ubuntu, and I 
still haven‟t found a solution for that. Most of thetimes, even if your device isn‟t supported by 
default you will be able to follow tutorials posted online that guide you through installing an
unsupported driver or patching the kernel . 

There are many Linux distributions available, and each one is a bit different. Choosing the
one that‟s right for you might seem difficult at first, but it‟s actually a problem you want to
have. Each of the distributions is fine-tuned to serve a different niche. This way you can
install an operating system that was built for multimedia creation or one that was created for
computers with low hardware specifications. 

I invite you to go to On the right side you‟ll notice there‟s a Top 100 list of 
the most popular distributions. Read through the description and the reviews of the top 10 on
the list. Because this is probably your first contact with Linux, we‟ll assume that you want to
install Ubuntu. 

Story of a Super Student- Introduction

He used to be the  laziest student in his class. He was a simple guy wearing shirts most of the time and he used to be socially awkward. He rarely meets people and used to spend most of his time trying to find how to lead an enriching life. He used to consult books and websites how to study and how to be the best.

He was the proud owner of a Pentium 4 PC with a 256 MB RAM and a slow internet connection. He was also a proud owner of an unused brain. He keeps trying to be the best of the best. He was named under the kindness and generosity of a Lord, the lord Krishna.  Krishna, he was a 22 years old lad  who is mostly affected by inferior complexity. He was attending one of the best university in this world where students were   intelligent as Einstein. His field of study was Social Science. 

The great thing about him was he believed that education is not about learning the facts but learning how to study. Reading books after books , this is all he could do. He wanted to learn to study. He wanted to be the best of the best.

He believed in a quotation. The quotation read :

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

Finally came the massive failures in three modules in a row which made him into a broken and embarrassed human being . Krishna was made into a stressed victim. He failed  every time to give the best of himself. 

He still believes that he can be the best of the best. For him, the best was not to be first in his class but to be a leader in his own world. He wanted to become someone successful as his Facebook Profile read " I am born to earn respect and i will surely earn it". 

Finally, he decided to sit back and see the changes that need to be made and how to make things work. His main aim was to gain motivation.

To be continued......

Sunday 15 July 2012

Introducing The Pomodoro Technique~ A greater time killer and concentration tactic for revision

What is it?

It is a great technique devised to manage revision time.It is used to turn time into a value ally to accomplish what we want to do and save continuous improvement in the way we do it.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

How to start?

The basic unit of work in the Pomodoro Technique® can be split in five simple steps:
  1. Choose a task to be accomplished
  2. Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer)
  3. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then put a check on your sheet of paper
  4. Take a short break (5 minutes is OK)
  5. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break

What do you need to start?

You can use either a real timer (we love the "Pomodoro" kind) or a software timer. Set it to 25 minutes.
A sheet of paper
Blank paper is good, lined paper is better, pre-printed Pomodoro paper is the best!
A pencil
An eraser is also a plus!

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